Hoje faz mais um dia QUENTE aqui na Amazônia....claro! J Ainda estamos em Presidente Figueiredo , mas vamos partir daqui a pouco para Manaus. Esses dias que ficamos aqui foram ótimos e tudo correu como planejado!
Ontem cedo partimos para a Caverna do Maruaga, onde descemos embaixo de chuva e muita lama a trilha que leva até a caverna. Maruaga é muito conhecida, pois é bem diferenciada: alem de ser formada de Arenito, tem água e floresta: é uma raridade!! Após o almoço fomos conhecer a Cachoeira do Santuário, chamada assim porque os índios que habitavam a região usavam o local para fazer suas preces: o local é um paraíso ecológico! No final da tarde nos esbaldamos nas corredeiras do Urubuí!
De lá, mando mais notícias!
Débora Labarrère
Coordenadora de Viagens/Inbounds
Terra Brasil Turismo
Good Morning!
Today is another REALLY HOT day here at the Amazon…of course!! J We are still in Presidente Figueredo and we are leaving in a few minutes for Manaus . The days that we stayed here were great and everything went as planned.
Our tour here started last Sunday. First we left for a small city close to Presidente Figueiredo, Balbina, a city planned for construction workers in the 1970’s and 1980’s who were building the hydroelectric power plant, that now supplies with all of its energy LESS than 1/3 of what Manaus needs. There we visited the Freshwater Mammals and Turtle Research Center , where we observed turtles and freshwater manatees from the Amazon. They have HUGE manatees there, and one of then reached 350kg weigh! Just after we swam a lot at Pedra Furada Waterfall!
Yesterday really early we went to Maruaga cave. With much excitement, we climbed down a trail in very slippery mud (because of the rain) to get to the cave. It’s a different place, because it is a Sandstone cave that has water and forest: it is really rare!! After lunch, we went to Santuário Waterfall, which is called like that because it was where the Indian used to perform their rituals and ceremonies: the place is an ecological paradise! We finished our tour having a lot of fun (and swimming a lot) at Urubuí waterfall!
Right now everyone is having breakfast and then we will leave for Manaus . Our adventure is just at the beginning!!
From there I will send more news!
Best Regards,
Débora Labarrère
Trips/Inbounds Coordinator
Terra Brasil Turismo
Glad to see everything is going well and everyone is having a good time. Hello to Courtney from Mum!!